Cycle of the Moon

Observed across the whole of Ashriya, the moon passes through the skies twelve times each year. The full moon rarely coincides with the Rise of Terres, though when it does, it is a strong omen indeed. The names of the moons in the year are as follows:

Ers, first moon of the yearArridun, seventh moon of the year
Carris, second moon of the yearGrenn, eighth moon of the year
Tyir, third moon of the yearOttur, ninth moon of the year
Rennse, fourth moon of the yearCurnnos, tenth moon of the year
Fyrunn, fifth moon of the yearSurrn, eleventh moon of the year
Medrim, sixth moon of the yearErrund, last moon of the year

Reckoning of the Years

Used amongst the various texts and written histories of Ashriya, there are two commonly used methods of reckoning for the years.

Before End of the Drought, refer to the years preceding the return of the waters.

After Return, the years after the return of the waters, the current method of reckoning.

Notable Historical Events

150 BED Medrim 21 - "The Turning", which caused The Drought
0 BED Errund 31 - The waters returned
40 AR - Crossroads Founded
320 AR Curnnos 2 - The Fifth Surge
322 AR - Game Began (in the year 2022, real-life time)

Example: February 1, 2022 is 322 AR Carris 1.

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