Simone is the Goddess of Nature. Her followers refer to Her generally as “The Great Mother,” and believe that She holds dominion over all the natural world. Occasionally you may hear an old farmer refer to Simone as the “Mistress of the Great Cycle.” Farmers praise Her for a good harvest, hunters thank Her for their prey, and military leaders ask Her for clear skies and good ground on which to fight.
Followers of Simone concern themselves with the natural world around them. Some believe that they are born as a result of Simone’s bounty, and in death they will return to Simone. Further, that all creatures go through this cycle, and that Simone governs the laws of Nature as a Queen would over her dominion. Others place Her as the source of their skills in the wilderness, that it is through Her that the first hunters learned to hunt for sustenance, and prey animals first learned to hide for safety.
While all Simonists believe that living in harmony with Nature is paramount to worship, not all agree on what that looks like in practice. The most common form of worship is the humble farmer, who prays that Simone bless their fields with enough rain and warm sun to feed their family. Others merely seek to respect the local animals and natural resources by taking only what is needed, no more no less. Some more extreme followers have been known to harbor ill feelings specifically towards ritual magic being used to alter the natural world around them, believing that it is inappropriate, or even blasphemous, to defy the natural order dictated by Simone. The most extreme minority of Simonists have actively attacked settlements, claiming the material used for construction belonged to the Great Mother, and using it was equivalent to theft.
Simone worship occurs all across the world, and there is no one authority on the matter. Shrines to Simone can be found practically anywhere people might be, although they are almost always outside. Many ranger guilds have some affiliation with Simone. The Scythe of Simone is a group of worshipers, largely farmers and general experts on agriculture, who offer aid to farmers who are having issues with growing their crops.
The Greenwood is one of the holiest sites to Simonists, as it is said that the Greenwood was her original domain, and the location of the Lady’s Hollow, a sacred ground for only the most devout worshippers.
Simone’s color is green, and Her symbol is a depiction of the goddess, usually drawn featureless with green swirls emanating from Her.